Main phrases from Pedro Sánchez's speech about his permanence in power

Main phrases from Pedro Sánchez’s speech about his permanence in power

These are the main phrases of the nine-minute speech in which the president of the Spanish Government, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, announced this Monday that he will remain in his position after threatening to resign due to the personal harassment he says he suffers from the opposition.

“Last Wednesday I wrote a letter addressed to all citizens. In it I asked them if it was worth enduring the harassment that my family has suffered for ten years in exchange for presiding over the Government of Spain.”

“Today, after these days of reflection, I have a clear answer.”

“My wife and I know that this smear campaign will not stop. We have been suffering from it for 10 years.”

“We want to heartily thank you for the expressions of solidarity and empathy that we have received from all walks of life.”

“Thanks to that social mobilizationwhich has decisively influenced my reflection and which I thank again, I want to share with all of you what I have finally decided.

“I have decided to continue, to continue with more strength if possibleat the head of the Presidency of the Government of Spain”.

“This decision does not mean a full stop, it is a full stop (…) That is why I assume before you my commitment to work tirelessly, firmly and with serenity, for the pending regeneration of our democracy and for the advancement and the consolidation of rights and freedoms”.

“There is only one way to reverse this situation: that the social majority, as it has done these five days, mobilizes, in a determined commitment to dignity and common sense, putting a stop to the politics of shame that we have been suffering for too long.

“This is not about the destiny of a particular leader, that is the least of it, It’s about deciding what kind of society we want to be.”

“Our country needs to make this collective reflection (…) that makes way for cleanliness, regeneration, fair play.”

“We have been letting the mud colonize political life with impunity for too long, public life, contaminating us with toxic practices unimaginable just a few years ago.

“Today I ask Spanish society to once again be an example, an inspiration for a troubled and wounded world, because the evils that afflict us are by no means exclusive to Spain, they are part of a global reactionary movement that aspires to impose its regressive agenda through defamation and falsehood, hatred and appeal to fears and threats that do not correspond to either science or rationality.

“We will show the world how democracy is defended, “Let us put an end to this mud in the only possible way, through collective, serene, democratic rejection beyond acronyms and ideologies, which I am committed to leading firmly as President of the Government of Spain.”

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