With these discounts when paying the tax, the fee that consumers will pay per liter of Magna will be 6.2252 pesos and for diesel it will be 7.0687 pesos.
As the premium does not have a subsidy in the IEPS, consumers will pay 5.4513 pesos for each liter of fuel.
Why are subsidies provided?
The Ministry of Finance, to cushion increases in international oil and fuel prices, has the power to grant discounts on the payment of the IEPS.
If prices remain stable, the agency collects the full tax, which is beneficial for collection.
How much does a liter of gasoline cost?
This Friday, December 3, the national average prices for Magna gasoline are 24,103 pesos per liter, that of Premium is 25,417 pesos and that of diesel is 25,817 pesos, according to Petrointelligence.com.