congressman Alex Paredes, of Magisterial Bloc of National Concertation, advanced that his bench, recently made official before Parliamentwill analyze presenting a list of candidates for the Board of Directors of the Congress of the republic. He highlighted that this group, derived from Peru Libre, has the “legitimacy and democratic right” to postulate to a replacement for Maria del Carmen Alva.
“We, being a new parliamentary group, are analyzing the issue of participation (in the Board of Directors) because we are clear about what we have come for. I believe that we have legitimacy and democratic right to be able to be part of how Congress is managed”, he declared to Successful.
In this line, Alex Walls nor did he rule out that an eventual list of candidates of Magisterial Block It can be presented in alliance with other benches: “Beyond the groups, what has to be in order is the commitment to the agenda that all the parliamentary groups have approved, with the agenda that includes what the population wants,” he added.
YOU CAN SEE: The letters of APP to direct the next Board of Directors of the Congress
Movements for the presidency of the Board of Directors
The current legislature ends on June 15, so the next one would start on July 27. Apparently there was a desire to Maria del Carmen Alva to go for re-election, but this would have meant breaking the agreement assumed –in mid-2021– that People’s Action would have the presidency of the Board of Directors during the first year and then an Alliance for Progress (APP) candidacy would be supported.
As La República was able to learn, in Alliance for Progress names are handled Eduardo Salhuana, Gladys Echaiz, Hector Acuna Y Robert Chiabra as possible heads of list for the Board of Directors. Of them, the names of Echaíz and would generate more consensus among the opposition. So the list of Magisterial Block of National Concertation It would be presented as an alternative option to the one formed by the opposition forces.