In May, Maduro announced that he would hold an event with the community representatives to deliver the corresponding resources to execute the projects chosen in the first popular consultation, of which, by the way, the progress they have had is unknown.
Nicolás Maduro said he is “trying out a new system of government and it has to work.” He said it will be based on the application of the principles of “Chávez’s 21st century socialism” in the “political, economic, spiritual and moral, social and territorial dimensions.”
In his weekly program Con Maduro +, held this Monday, August 19, the president said that he wants to “overcome false representative democracy” to replace it with a direct democratic system. Hence, he announced that from now on he will hold four popular consultations annually, one every three months.
“It is the second great national popular consultation of 2024. More democracy, more participation, more progress, more freedom and peace. In Venezuela, the people rule,” he said. Ripe earlier this Monday.
Read also: Maduro will provide resources to the municipalities so that they can start their projects
The next one will be this Sunday, August 25, and like the first one, which was held on April 21 to select social projects to be implemented in the country during 2024, it will be led by the Ministry for Communes and Social Movements. Community projects will be chosen that will be financed by the government in the 4,500 Communal Circuits.
Just in May, Maduro announced that he would hold an event with the community representatives to deliver the resources or funds to carry out the projects, which included changing the electrical system, removing and paving roads, and improving the sewage intake. Many of them address basic needs that the corresponding authorities must respond to, without any partisan association involved.
In April, to participate in the consultation, people over 15 years of age had to go to the electoral centre set up in the community ( and present their identity card. They then selected the project of their choice, placed the ballot in the box and recorded their vote with their signature and fingerprint in the voting book.