The Head of State stressed that the revolutionary forces have the experience, the historical project, the popular power, the civic-military-police union to achieve renewal.
The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, invited the people this Saturday to the Great “Congress of the Bolivarian, Popular, Chavista and Socialist Historical Bloc of Venezuela for the 21st Century.” In this sense, he asserted that Venezuelans have spaces to build the future of the country.
This statement was made by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, in a video posted on his Telegram account. “If we want things to change, aiming for a future of at least 30 or 40 more years of great achievements, of building a powerful Venezuela, we must change first.”
The Head of State stated that “we have the experience, the historic project, the popular power, the civic-military-police union; for us to set ourselves the great historic task of renewing the entire Bolivarian revolution.”
The head of state said that it is necessary for them to “feel that they have a space to draw the future and we can consolidate the Five Generations that we have seen and build the powerful system of forces of the 7 social forces of Venezuela.”