On May 20, the VenApp social network was made official, a creation “by a group of private businessmen” promoted by the administration of Nicolás Maduro. Experts warn that the VenApp compromises the personal information of its users and, as it is linked to the Patria system and the 1X10 Good Government system, it becomes a State resource that will be used by a political bias and that can also have electoral purposes.
The Venezuelan president Nicholas Maduro took advantage of a day of the bricomiles this September 6 to promote its VenApp, an application created to “comply with social programs”, among young people before the start of the school year.
From the January 23 parish (Caracas), during a day of 1X10 to recover educational institutions, Maduro asked the young students “to install the VenApp” to “report” and “coordinate” actions in their schools and high schools once they start the school year.
He assured that young people are “great promoters” of public policies, for which he considered it necessary for the Federation of Middle Education and other associations to go to high schools “with their brigades to encourage the use of VenApp.”
Last May 20 was VenApp social network made officiala creation “by a group of private businessmen” to be “a mechanism for direct communication with the national government (…) That will allow the formulation of complaints in real time about existing problems in the communities.”
*Also read: With VenApp your complaint will be heard, but at the cost of all your personal information
The VenAPP social network compromises the personal information of its users, because it asks to be downloaded to the cell phone access to geolocation, the camera, manipulate SD card memory and even send emails without the owner of the network knowing. bill.
For experts, this network, which is also linked to the Patria system and the 1X10 system of Good Government, it becomes a State resource that will be used by a political bias and that can also have electoral purposes.
Maduro promises to bring scientists
President Nicolás Maduro promised to bring “the best scientists” to train Venezuelan students and teachers.
“I also propose to continue sending our boys abroad to train (…) but we are going to bring the best brains in the whole world (…), the best trained, the best scientists to come to teach, to train our professionals to improve science and make our country a power”, he asserted.
He said that this is part of the 50 objectives set by the Ministry of Science and Technology to promote knowledge and updating in various areas. For months, Maduro has promoted “scientific improvements” in all areas, including agriculture, to abandon the oil economy.
The governors “to the streets”
Since January 23, Nicolás Maduro has also demanded that his governors “go to the streets” to solve the problems of their communities, after denouncing various road and sewage problems in Catia.
“I demand that the Governors and Mayors go to the streets, look for the problems and provide immediate solutions,” said Pdte. @NicolasMaduro
— Presidential Press (@PresidentialVen) September 6, 2022
He recommended to the governors that “they do not allow themselves to be flattered, do not allow themselves to be pulled by rope”, because they deviate from the fulfillment of their duties. In addition, he approved special resources to fix the blocks of January 23, an iconic urbanization in western Caracas, and the educational institutions in Apure state, due to the “serious problems” they presented.
“Where the incompetent and bureaucrats say that it cannot be done, it can be done, popular power can and demonstrates it,” he asserted.
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