Home South AmericaVenezuela Maduro: iron hand against fascism

Maduro: iron hand against fascism

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Maduro: iron hand against fascism

President Nicolás Maduro led a rally held this Wednesday in Ana Soto parish of the Iribarren municipality (Barquisimeto) during his tour of Lara state, from where he sent a warning to right-wing extremism: “Whoever devours the light will go to the pot, the iron fist against fascism,” he said.

Maduro made this warning after noting that those who intended to carry out the coup d’état in Bolivia “are the same ones who wanted to carry out a coup d’état in Venezuela, the same ones who wanted to bring hatred, intolerance, violence and guarimba again to “Venezuela, are you going to let violence and guarimba return? Are we going to allow peace to be stolen from us in Venezuela?” he asked those present.

Next, Maduro reported that he had held a call with the president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, after the coup attempt.

“I just spoke with the president of Bolivia, Lucho Arce, today sectors of the extreme right, with a traitorous soldier, tried to carry out a coup d’état in that country, but we congratulate the people of Bolivia for their victory, the victory of peace ”, he stated.

He insisted that fascists “eat the light, this people is going to attack them, just as the people of Bolivia did, here we are not going to allow violence of any kind, violence never again, coups d’état never again, guarimba never again

Works for the people

Maduro reflected on the importance of public services, highlighting the need to repair roads and improve water services for the community.

He also highlighted the work he has been doing for the people despite the sanctions. “We went through hard years and who was by your side when you deprived Venezuela of supplies with the economic war? Who was by your side protecting you when the pandemic arrived? Who was by your side when the right called to invade Venezuela?” he said.

“I have never walked alone in this fight, but I did not abandon them either. Beautiful times are coming in union with the people, with popular power. And we can say, if we could and got out of the hole, the people of Venezuela could do more than all the corrupt elites. I do not belong to any political class and you can say that I am absolutely independent


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