Nicolás Maduro described his campaign as admirable, heroic, festive and purposeful. He said that the government in this process managed to form “a new political, social and cultural majority that will be expressed with a resounding majority on Sunday, July 28.”
With the promise of finally making the dream of a powerful Venezuela come true, the presidential candidate Nicolas Maduro closed his electoral campaign on Thursday, July 25. He reiterated that only his administration has been able to keep the country afloat, despite foreign sanctions.
“All of Venezuela wants a gallo pinto from the people. Let the demons be scared away,” said Maduro from Bolívar Avenue, in western Caracas, in front of a crowd of supporters who marched from Petare, on a route of more than nine kilometers.
“From Táchira to Delta Amacuro I found the same response. These people tell the right: ‘don’t get dressed, you’re not going to go’,” he added.
He described his campaign as admirable, heroic, festive and purposeful. He assured that the ruling party in this process managed to form “a new political, social and cultural majority that will be expressed with a resounding majority on Sunday, July 28.”
He stressed that “we have not only united Chavismo, we are united. We have no fissures. The people are united as a single block of force.”
*Read AlsoMaduro campaigns on “quasi-national broadcast”: “Give me your vote of confidence”
He added that it is necessary to work for peace, independence and love. He stressed that many people, “even leaders disappointed by the opposition, expressed their support for the candidacy of Chavez’s son.”
“I ask all those who were in opposition to come with us to build a country. I call on all economic sectors of the country, which suffered the sanctions because all businessmen suffered them,” said Maduro.
At 6:30 pm on Thursday, the hosts on the various platforms asked the supporters to “stay until the end” because “there are surprises.” Maduro said that Bolívar Avenue is packed from end to end. However, SuchWhich was able to confirm that the supporters are organized in blocks and not along the entire route of the road.
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