President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was this Tuesday (31), at the Brasília unit of Hospital Sírio-Libanês, to repeat imaging tests.
“The tomography shows significant reabsorption of the subdural collection, showing progressive improvement consistent with the president’s excellent condition”, says the medical bulletin, signed by directors Rafael Gadia and Luiza Dib, from Sírio-Libanês.
Lula continues to be monitored by a medical team led by doctors Roberto Kalil Filho and Ana Helena Germoglio.
Lula had to be hospitalized in São Paulo recently because of a domestic fall suffered in October.
The president arrived in São Paulo in the early hours of Tuesday (10), after experiencing headaches. An MRI performed at Hospital Sírio-Libanês, still in Brasília, showed an intracranial hemorrhage, resulting from the accident at home suffered on October 19th. The president was then transferred to the hospital unit, in the capital of São Paulo, where he underwent the surgical procedure.
On Thursday (12), two days after the surgery, the president underwent a new procedure, to block the blood flow and reduce the risk of new hematoma formation. Last Friday (13), Lula had the intracranial drain removed that had been placed during surgery last Tuesday (10). In a video posted on social media, Lula appeared walking alongside neurosurgeon Marcos Stavale.