However, the party leader, Mario Delgado, defended the proposed changes, since Morena requires renewal and “not moth-eaten.”
The brunette asked his colleagues to update. “We cannot trust each other, because Morena will no longer have the current president Andrés Manuel López Obrador on the ballots,” he said.
Today Morena will reform the statute, declaration of principles and action program.
In the first, it is proposed that the Secretary of Finance be elected not by the National Council, but by the president of the party, regardless of whether the person responsible for the resources is a national councilor or not, that is, he would be exempt from this requirement to access a position in the National Executive Committee (CEN), although he would be in charge of financing, in 2023, of 1,909 million pesos.
In addition, Luján stressed, the withdrawal of the right of the militants to elect their leaders is proposed when the surveys open to the population to elect the president and general secretary of the CEN are made official.
Nowhere in the world, raised the brunette, is the leadership of a party allowed to be decided in open polls, that was an exceptional method applied in 2021 and that resulted in the election of Mario Delgado as president of Moreno.
Another negative point, he warned, would be for the CEN to designate the members of the National Elections Commission (CNE), which conducts decisions on candidacies for popularly elected or leadership positions.
That body should be made up of people considered irreproachable who should form the Morena Consultative Council, and which intends to disappear from the statute, he said.
He also questioned the intention, in today’s session, to vote “in a package as if it were something homogeneous.” “Let it be discussed article by article,” he asked.
Luján also expressed his rejection to the fact that in the amendments the Secretaries of Production (relative to Labor matters) disappear from the CEN; the Secretariat for the Defense of Natural Resources and the Secretariat for Cooperativism, Solidarity Economy and Civil and Social Movements.
Accompanied by our governors and governors, members of the cabinet of the @GobiernoMXlegislators and leaders from all over the country, we inaugurate the III Ordinary National Congress of our Movement. #BrunetteGrows in unity and organization towards 2023 and 2024.
– Brunette (@PartidoMorenaMx)
September 17, 2022