The President of the Judicial Council, Alberto Lugonesconsidered that the “problem” of the organism is “build majority to sanction or advance” with the requests for political judgment with respect to the magistrates who may deserve it.
“That’s when more external political than internal political interests begin to cross, even for the approval of the short lists that happens,” the magistrate reported Wednesday in statements to Radio Del Plata.
The Senate of the Nation continues with the discussion, in a plenary of commissions, of the projects to modify the conformation of the Judicial Council, the body that is in charge of proposing, controlling and sanctioning, if necessary, the members of the Power Judiciary of the Nation.
Regarding the problems of the regulation of the Council, Lugones affirmed that there are always decisions of the Judiciary “that can have an influence on the political issue” it has always been like this” but the problem arises when “the protagonism of someone ends up stopping the others” in decision making.