The National Institute of Meteorology predicts for this Tuesday (24) weather conditions of low air humidity ranging between 30% and 20%, in several regions of the country. Among them, the Southeast, Center-West and parts of the Northeast and South.
The Federal District, the metropolitan region of São Paulo and the cities of São José do Rio Preto, Bauru, Piracicaba, Marília and Presidente Prudente in the state of São Paulo may also suffer the effects of low humidity. The southwest of Minas Gerais and the northwest and south-central regions of Paraná will also experience the same climate conditions.
Inmet warns that the risk of forest fires is low, but advises drinking plenty of fluids and avoiding sun exposure and physical activity during the hottest hours of the day. For more information, contact the Civil Defense (telephone 199) and the Fire Department (telephone 193).
Affected Areas
Central Goiás, Triângulo Mineiro/Upper Paranaíba, Eastern Goiás, Central Minas Gerais, Southern Ceará, Northern Pioneering Paraná, Western Santa Catarina, Western Tocantins, Southeast Piauí, Backlands of Ceará, South-Central Mato Grosso, Southern Goiás, Presidente Prudente, São José do Rio Preto, São Francisco Pernambucano, North-Central Piauí, Northeast Mato Grosso, Eastern Mato Grosso do Sul, Campinas, Western Potiguar, Bauru, Piracicaba, Backlands of Paraíba, Itapetininga, South/Southwest Minas, North-Central Mato Grosso do Sul, Eastern Tocantins, Northern Mato Grosso, Eastern Rondônia, Southwest Para, Western Central Paraná, Ribeirão Preto, Araçatuba, Southeast Mato Grosso, Northern Goiás, Northwest Paraná, Southern Maranhão, Jaguaribe, Macro Metropolitan Paulista, Marília, Southwest Piauí, North Central Paraná, Southwest Mato Grosso do Sul, Araraquara, Southwest Paraná, West Paraná, Pantanais Southern Mato Grosso, Far West Bahia, South Central Ceará, Northwest Goiás, East Central Paraná, Southwest Mato Grosso, Sertão Pernambucano, Northwest Minas, Metropolitan São Paulo, Assis, West Minas, East Maranhão, São Franciscano Valley of Bahia, Southeast Paraná, North Piauí, South Central Paraná, North Minas, Federal District, South Central Bahia, Northwest Ceará, Southeast Pará, Central Maranhão, North Central Bahia, Paraíba Valley Paulista, North Ceará, and Madeira-Guaporé.