In the tent there are at least five soldiers, two of them carry long weapons, they answer those who ask them what it is about, they tell them that if they have any type of weapons, they can exchange them for money. A couple from Mexicali observes the tabulator, “Oh, no, they give very little. “Let’s go instead for tamales!”the woman expresses to her husband.
(Photo: Dolores Luna)
Another woman in a red cap tells a member of the Sedena that it is not possible that they arrived at 10:00 a.m. from Huixquilucan, State of Mexicoand they still cannot hand over their weapons. After 1:00 p.m. he carries a blue bag with quesadillas and a Coca-Cola to feed his companions.
A member of the Segob explains that during the seven days that the voluntary disarmament program was carried out, a high influx was recorded, which meant that on Thursday, January 16 and Friday, January 17, the assigned budget item was not enough for those who arrived. later even though the time that was established is until 6:00 p.m.
Up to 26,000 pesos are paid for weapons
Mayor Gustavo A. Madero detailed the types of weapons and the money he awarded according to the compensation tabulator that was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on January 6, 2025.
There are nine ranks of weapons, in the first rank we find that 525 pesos are awarded for a short spell weapon, for a feather the amount of 365 pesos is awarded, the highest cost is for a ghost weapon with a compensation of 1,045 pesos.
In the second range, a .22 caliber revolver is being valued at five 1,650 pesos, while for a 9 millimeter caliber pistol they offer 10,350 pesos, the best paid in this range is the 5.7 caliber pistol for which it is compensated with 16,310 pesos.

(Photo: Dolores Luna)
The third range is long weapons, for a P90 they pay 25,000 pesos, for a .22 caliber submachine gun they pay 7,215 pesos.
For the fourth rank, you pay 25,000 pesos for an AK 47, for bazookas you pay 4,705 pesos, and for 66mm and 81mm caliber mortars you pay 8,815 pesos.
The sixth rank is made up of grenades and explosives, for a 40mm grenade you pay 1,090 pesos, for a gas grenade you pay 545 pesos and for a fragmentation grenade you pay 6,630 pesos.
As for 22 caliber cartridges, they are paid in four pesos and 9 millimeters in nine pesos.
In the ninth and last rank, “Magazine storage devices” for long weapons 488 pesos.
In an unprecedented event, the Catholic Church adds to this voluntary disarmament program whose main objective is to reduce crime rates in the countryso it is expected that in churches of Chiapas, Guanajuato and Guerrero Weapons are also exchanged for money.