The candidate for President of the Republic for the Popular Unit (UP), Leo Pericles, criticized the Federal Supreme Court (STF) for suspending the law on the National Nursing Floor. The measure had been taken last week by Minister Luís Roberto Barroso and is practically confirmed in the plenary with the votes presented today (15): the partial score is 7 to 3. As Rosa Weber’s manifestation is missing, the ministers can still change their position.
“They speak thinly with the sharks of private and wholesale health with workers and workers, as they turn a blind eye to paying the public debt that consumes half of the annual budget”, wrote the candidate on social media.
Throughout the day, the spending cap was again the target of criticism from Leo Pericles during his campaign agenda in Porto Alegre. “It’s to serve the interest of banks. The great privilege that banks have needs to end,” he said. Approved in 2016, Constitutional Amendment 95 instituted the so-called “expenditure ceiling”: public expenditures and investments were limited to the same amounts spent in the previous year, adjusted for inflation.
The candidate also promised to give debt relief to poor families, who live on up to two minimum wages. “In Brazil there is always debt forgiveness for the very rich, agribusiness, banks. It is full of cases in our history. Even a lot of public money has already been used to prevent the bank from failing. We had Proef [Programa de Fortalecimento das Instituições Financeiras Federais]for example, in the 1990s”, he said.