Legally, the massacre of June 10 is still open: Committee 68 pro Liberties
Jessica Xanthomilla
Newspaper La Jornada
Wednesday, June 8, 2022, p. 8
The massacre of June 10, 1971 it is not legally closed or concluded
argued organizations headed by the 68 Committee for Democratic Freedoms, who demand that the government that the initiatives undertaken to put an end to impunity translate into real and forceful facts
to carry out efficient and expeditious justice processes.
At a press conference, in which they called to attend the march on Friday for the 51st anniversary of the murder of students, Félix Hernández Gamundi, a member of Committee 68, said that there are various initiatives from the federal government, including the Commission for the Access to the Truth, Historical Clarification and the Promotion of Justice of the serious violations of human rights perpetrated from 1965 to 1990, but we say that what is required are concrete facts
remembered that the national justice arbitrarily
closed the case, and therefore in 2006 they filed a complaint with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), for denial of justice and violation of the rights of the complainants
. However, to date there has been no precise response from the Mexican State regarding the requirements made by said agency, specifically the files of the various agencies that were involved in the June 10 repression.
Regarding the mobilization on Friday, the organizers explained that it will leave at 4:00 p.m. from the Casco de Santo Tomas, of the National Polytechnic Institute, and will culminate in the Zócalo with a rally. they demanded respect and guarantee
for its realization and reiterated that a march without police is a peaceful march