“One of the strategies that are key to achieving that recovery is that we focus on basic fundamental skills such as reading, science, mathematics,” he said.
Of the 3,102 educational centers in the country, 3,055 (98%) teach face-to-face classes to 783,374 students. This, after two years in which students received distance or blended education due to the pandemic.
This is clear from the latest report on the state of reopening of schools, prepared by the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef).
Francisco Trejos, Unicef Education Officer, expressed that in our country, learning recovery could take almost two years, the same time that the Covid-19 pandemic has taken.
“One of the strategies that are key to achieving that recovery is that we focus on basic fundamental skills such as reading, science, mathematics,” he said.
This document details that the United Nations agency works together with the Ministry of Education (Meduca) in a proposal for the recovery of learning at the pre-secondary level and in the design of an early warning system for the prevention of exclusion. educational.