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Learn about the new regulations for National Science, Technology and Innovation Awards

Conoce el nuevo reglamento para Premios Nacionales de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación

This is how it was established in Official Gazette Number 42,662, the Resolution by which the Operating Regulations applicable to the National Science, Technology and Innovation Awards of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela are issued.

The award fulfills the purpose of recognizing the public interest in science, technology, knowledge, innovation and its applications as fundamental instruments for the economic, social and political development of the country.

In the same way, it seeks to encourage and value the results of innovation, research and invention projects and works in the priority areas established by the Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology (MinCyT), in relation to the advancement of producing and doing Science and Technology for life.

The National Science, Technology and Innovation Awards will be granted for the purpose of recognizing in life every Venezuelan or foreign person who resides and works in the country, for their research trajectory, for the results of their published research, for the products of its invention, as well as those actions or processes of application of knowledge whose results give rise to beneficial social or economic impacts for the nation.

The categories of the National Science, Technology and Innovation Awards will be the following:

National Science and Technology Award: to recognize the lifetime trajectory of researchers who contribute or have contributed significantly to the development of the country, with the generation, application of knowledge and training of high-level human talent.

This category is divided into three mentions: Researcher or New Researcher, which recognizes the work of people under 36 years of age who demonstrate having carried out research activities in the last five years; that has generated at least one outstanding research product in recent years; and that their vocation for work and service be evidenced perspective of personal, professional and community partner growth.

Wide Trajectory: it is aimed at people under 36 years of age or older who have dedicated their careers to scientific research; that have generated research products that contribute to scientific or technological development, among which it is worth mentioning: training of human talent, participation and strengthening of research networks, carrying out knowledge socialization activities, development of research activities with an impact on spaces community members or community members organizations.

Consolidated Research Group: aimed at research groups made up of at least three people linked by joint research with verifiable results and that demonstrates the commitment to solving national problems through the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation.

National Award for the Best Scientific, Technological and Innovation Work: Its purpose is to recognize the results of scientific, technological and innovation research, the depth, originality, meaning and significance of its contents, the contribution to the generation of new knowledge, scientific rigor, the quality of research, its impact on the social sphere and its applicability in solving the country’s problems.

This category is divided into five mentions: Natural Sciences, Health Sciences, Exact Sciences, Social and Human Sciences and Technological Research.

“Luis Zambrano” National Technological Inventiveness Award: to recognize technological solutions and inventions. They must be unpublished proposals and whose use and application contribute to the solution of community problems.

The category is divided into two mentions: Self-taught, any person without a secondary and professional education degree may apply, and any person with a secondary, technical or university level of education may apply.

The MinCyT will provide assistance to the award-winners in both mentions for the temporary protection of their intellectual creations.

Special Prize for Science and Technology: It is aimed at people or groups that undertake actions or support knowledge application processes whose results are detectable due to their social or socioeconomic impact. It has the following mentions:

Special Prize for the Innovation of the Worker or Worker: It is aimed at recognizing the initiatives of organized workers that have generated organizational, inventive or ingenious methods that have contributed to reinventing or resuming processes that initiate or increase the productive capacities of companies and workplaces.

Special Prize for Women and Girls in Sciences: have the purpose of making visible the participation of women at any chronological stage of their lives, in scientific, technological, innovative and organizational activities, and who have demonstrated capacities and significant contributions of leadership and knowledge linked to the achievement of objectives that could increase the good living of Venezuelan society.

Special Youth Award: It is established as a strategy to promote and stimulate the vocation in the beginning, development and permanence in the scientific career. It will honor all those initiatives that young people under 25 years of age develop in the area of ​​science, technology and innovation.

The National Science, Technology and Innovation Awards are an initiative to continue promoting and guaranteeing the advancement of science, recognizing the valuable contributions of the country’s ancestral, ethical, popular and academic knowledge, to contribute to the development and improvement of the condition of life of the population and contribute, in turn, to achieving the sovereignty and scientific and technological independence of the nation.

Source: MinCyT


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