The jurist assured that this not only affects women, but also affects their entire environment, and beyond, an economic issue for the country.
Lawyer Ana Campos. Photo: Radio Panama
Lawyer Ana Campos addressed the issue of workplace harassment on Wednesday morning, explaining that this not only affects women but also men.
He noted that bullying must be viewed from three perspectives. “The first is the obligation that the State has to develop measures or policies to prevent these situations from occurring, on the other hand there is the obligation that companies have to develop those measures that the State has already established within its structure and the protection generated by these companies, not only through their internal structures but also through their workers from the suppliers who participate in the entire labor process, and lastly, the impact generated by this sexual harassment ”, he emphasized.
The jurist assured that this not only affects women, but also affects their entire environment, and beyond, an economic issue for the country.
He considered it regrettable that the Panamanian State, to date, has not ratified Convention 190 of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which refers to the elimination of all types of harassment and violation in the workplace.
“This agreement not only recognizes the participation of the person in their job, not only of the woman but of all the people who are part of a work environment that may suffer sexual harassment. The organization has established mechanisms indicating that sexual harassment represents one of the most discriminatory measures for a woman in the workplace and not only affects her development as a professional but also as a human being ”, Campos concluded.