Launch training and employability plans in new technologies

Launch training and employability plans in new technologies

Minsait, an Indra company, in partnership with the National Learning Service (Sena), the Siigo Foundation, Kuepa, Talento Diverso and the Soy Oportunidad Foundation, began the training plan for the first group of 24 young people and adults between 16 and 35 years that are linked to the Semilleros Minsait program.

(Claro and Oracle seal an employability alliance for young people).

This initiative seeks to promote the employability of the country’s youth, training them in digital skills as professionals in technical processing and development positions. The academic training includes html and css languages; JS+framework programming; Web development; programming logic and algorithms, basic English, entrepreneurship and soft skills.

One of the main objectives of the company is the generation of new opportunities for specialized training, focused on the needs of the IT market, especially in software development.

To access the opportunity, you must send your resume to the email s@indracoeleccioncolmpany.comin which they will have to specify in the subject the profile to which they wish to apply.

Minsait seeks to ensure the productive stage of young people by guaranteeing not only their training but also hiring, providing an indefinite-term contract through the Young Professionals program, with growth opportunities through a career plan, training and role changes .

“The contribution for Colombia is very significant in the technology industry. At this time it is very difficult to find developer profiles because, clearly, neither the universities nor the academic centers of excellence or technology centers have training in technological development included in their academic programs”, said Carlos Niño, director of Human Talent at Minsait in Colombia.

Apprentices who are part of the Seedbed have financial support that fully subsidizes the cost of the technical program and 360 hours of training in blended learning mode, through the Kuepa platform, which contains dynamic material and strategic reinforcement with access to any device; assistance to virtual and face-to-face tutorials in addition to classes co-directed with leaders.

The program also seeks to benefit young high school graduates who have not had a job opportunity and who are interested in training in ICT-related issues, as part of the company’s strategy to generate new employment opportunities in the country.

“The usefulness that this hotbed gives me on a professional and personal level is that it offers me many opportunities. They support me. Many times in certain places they do not provide us with this knowledge and I am very grateful. My goal at the end of the nursery is to be able to grow in a great company. Give the best version of myself to help large branches grow and one day be able to form a great company” said María Fernanda Ramírez, a student at Semillero Minsait.

In the future, it is expected to train more than 100 people each year from various cities in Colombia who, due to their geographical location, do not have the possibility of accessing formal educational training, nor job opportunities focused on IT with companies committed to the development of human talent.

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