Presidents and leaders of 19 political parties and political organizations from Latin America met to discuss the situation in Ukraine, after the invasion of Russia, ordered by Vladimir Putin. In addition, they coordinated the actions to be carried out together.
The representatives of each country emphatically condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and promoted a face-to-face peace mission, in which the authorities of the democratic parties of Latin America participate, with the aim of transferring the defense of Ukrainian sovereignty to their territory. and demand the ceasefire and the Russian occupation.
SIGHT: Why does Russia invade Ukraine?: Learn about the origin and reasons for this conflict
Through a pronouncement, they reported that the “In order to achieve the indicated objective, it was resolved to request, by means of a formal note, the Secretary General of the OAS, that said organization be the organizer of the mission; and it was resolved to request through a formal note to His Holiness Pope Francis, that he be an active convener for said mission of peace, inviting the leaders of the free world to participate in it ”.
What’s more, They requested the highest authorities of the Latin American countries to adopt, as far as possible, the same measures ordered by the European Union with respect to Russia. “Mainly closure of air spaces and cancellation of current trade agreements. This, until the fire ceases and the illegitimate occupation of Ukraine”, they indicated.
“Organize and convene simultaneously, in all the countries of Latin America, citizen mobilizations at the doors of the diplomatic representations of Russia, in order to request, in a peaceful manner, the cessation of the attacks and the immediate withdrawal of the troops from the Ukrainian territory,” they said in the statement.
Along these lines, they propose promoting in the parliaments of each country resolutions condemning the invasion that Russia is carrying out with respect to Ukraine, and recognizing the autonomy and self-determination of that nation.
The group also demanded that Latin American left-wing organizations and their governments condemn Russia’s actions and demand the immediate restoration of constitutional order in Ukraine.
Know the list of participants in this meeting.