A minor portion compared to other regions, such as Europe, North Asia, North America, in which there are between 30% and 50% exchange between its neighbors.
“That is not the case of Latin America and the Caribbean and that is one of our weaknesses and in which we have to work the most to the extent that voices or actions arise that fragmented trade, the region has to work on greater integration” Said Díaz-Granados.
He indicated that more integration opportunities should be sought to raise the potential of the economies of the region, one of the markets in what sees the greatest potential, and that it can be helpful, is the energy.
“We have great potential to unleash private investment and to be much stronger and more resilient to the region consolidating the energy markets, from natural gas to hydraulic energy,” said the president of CAF at a press conference within the framework of the first economic forum International Latin America and the Caribbean that takes place in Panama.
The president of CAF also commented that Latin America and the Caribbean is a large exporter of goods to China, the United States and Europe, which are its three main markets, although there is tension between them, the region must continue working with everyone.
“We do not want to be a girlfriend in dispute. And we simply want to be what we have always been, a region of peace, that has no conflicts with each other, or with any other block anywhere in the world, we are a solution region,” he said .
The main reflection of Díaz-Granados is that a world with less trade, is one with less development potential and any measure that increases protectionism fragmented trade will translate into greater inflation.