Today, December 31, is the end of the year and also the last day where the card can be used to purchase services with the Government plan, Pre-Trip. The tourist pre-sale program reimburses 50% of the value of the trip purchased, a benefit that can also be used in the tourist chain.
With Pre-Trip You can: purchase regional products and gastronomy, access cultural functions, tourist packages, tickets, excursions, transportation and tourist centers, and carry out car rentals and leisure activities, among other tourist goods and services. The plan It is intended to promote the consumption of tourism in our country, therefore, in order to access the benefit, you must have a legal and formal domicile in Argentina.
In the first instance, those who wish to have the benefits of the Pre-Trip they must have an account in the mobile app, Mi Argentina, with identity validation through biometric data (everything from the app) and be over 18 years of age. Subsequently, you can choose to receive a preloaded card from Banco Nación at the registered address. If desired, the card can also be linked to the BNA+ (Banco Nacional Argentino) mobile app to pay for the goods and services of the plan with QR code.
As a limitation, The maximum total amount of the card is 70,000 pesos per person over 18 years of age. In turn, it specifies that there is no limit to the number of operations that can be carried out, but the minimum value of each one must be 1,000 pesos. For the benefit to be activated, advance purchases must be made for an amount equal to or greater than 10,000 pesos, which would also mean a minimum refund of 5,000 pesos to be received.
Hotel occupancy by Pre-Travel
With the third edition of the program, in the month of October, 4.2 million people registered overnight (spending the night away from home) in different accommodations in our territory, which represents an increase of 48% compared to the year 2021.
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC), 3-star establishments were the most chosen by Argentines. According to the Hotel Occupancy Survey (EOH), the values for October of this year were the highest recorded since the 2007 survey.
Again by the census entity, it was reported that, in its three editions, Pre-Trip it generated 54 thousand jobs and mobilized 200 billion pesos to the Argentine regional economies. For his part, Matías Lammens, Minister of Tourism and Sports, said: “Thanks to the impact of Pre-TripWe are ending a historic year for tourism, where we did not have a ‘low season’ in our destinations”.