The Defense Minister Jose Gavidiaconfirmed the discovery of the body of a 3-year-old boy in the town of Retamas, after a hill slide occurred in the province of Pataz, La Libertad region.
WATCH THIS: La Libertad: EsSalud provides medical care to residents of Pataz affected by the landslide
Through his Twitter account, the head of the sector reiterated that all necessary support will continue to be provided to the families affected by this tragedy.
With this finding, the number of deceased left by the tragedy that occurred last Tuesday, March 15, rises to seven: Margarita Zenaida Polo Vigo (32), Edith Quiñonez Torres (32), Santiago Indalecio Vásquez1 (62), Rolando Robles Ramírez (32)a 14-year-old girl, a one-month-old baby, and a 3-year-old child.
Declaration of emergency in Retamas
The Government declared a state of emergency for 60 days in the town of Retamas, in the province of Pataz (La Libertad), after a landslide from a hill that has left people missing and several houses buried. The measure was made official through a supreme decree.
What happened in Retamas?
More than 30 families were evacuated by the authorities to temporary shelters since Tuesday the 15th, when a landslide was registered, as a result of the intense rains, which buried several houses in the town of Retamas, district of Parcoy, province of Patazin the region Freedom. The collapse leaves, so far, four dead.
WATCH THIS: Emergency in Pataz: this was the landslide that buried 60 homes (VIDEO)
Some 26 families were taken Wednesday night to the Retamas sports slab, while the others are installed in the local Ricardo Palma educational institution. The District Municipality of Parcoy, in collaboration with the Regional Government of La Libertad, has provided them with tents, mattresses and blankets to protect them from the rain and cold.