The president of the Congress, Lady Camonessaid that there should always be respect on the part of the authorities towards the National Police, this when asked about the absence of the Minister of the Interior, Willy Huerta, at the ceremony for the day of Santa Rosa de Lima, patron saint of the Police.
[¿Qué opina de la ausencia del ministro del Interior?] “What can we say about it, respect for the National Police always has to be and above all in the authorities”he claimed.
It should be noted that neither President Pedro Castillo nor Interior Minister Willy Huerta were present at the ceremony on this important date. Neither did the President of the Council of Ministers, Aníbal Torres; nor Vice President Dina Boluarte.
According to the Twitter account of the Ministry of the Interior, the head of the sector today went to the Edgardo Rebagliati Hospital to visit the firefighters who suffered a traffic accident in Magdalena.
Regarding the complaint made by the legal defense of Castillo Terrones before the General Inspectorate of the National Police against Colonel PNP Harvey Colchado for alleged serious misconduct, Camones Soriano said that “We have already declared in that sense. We are regretting these acts that would appear to be retaliation against Harvey Colchado.”
Castillo’s defense maintains that Colchado violated presidential immunity on August 9, when he went to the Government Palace residence to enforce the preliminary arrest warrant against Yenifer Paredes, the president’s sister-in-law whom he raised as his daughter.