The President of the Congress of the Republic, Lady Camonesrejected the proposal of the legislator Carlos Anderson so that the representatives leave the hemicycle during the president’s speech peter castle for national holidays, this July 28.
Camones explained that the investiture of the president must be respected, regardless of who holds the position.
“These are positions of some congressmen [abandonar el hemiciclo]I respect them but I do not share them because apart from the person, we have to respect the presidential investiture, I think that we from the congress must respect the forms, I do not share that “he told RPP.
LOOK: Lady Camones assures that there will be no shielding but a fight against corruption
Regarding the possibility of presenting a new vacancy motion, Camones stated that he would only support such a measure if there are solid arguments.
“We are going to be relentless against corruption, wherever it comes from, supporting the activities of the Public Ministry. It must be specified that we do not have vacancy motions that have been presented at the moment, there are positions of some congressmen who have announced that they would present, that would be seen in the plenary. I have always said that if a sustained vacancy arises, I would be in favor, but we would have to see the sustenance”, he expressed.