Lacava crossed a band and led the acts of June 24 in the absence of the presidential

Lacava crossed a band and led the acts of June 24 in the absence of the presidential

For the second consecutive year, Maduro did not make an appearance at the commemorative activity for the Battle of Carabobo, but this time the governor of the entity did not waste the space and led the acts together with the Minister of Defense

Neither for the 200 years, nor for the 201. For the second consecutive year, the commemorative national dates have ceased to be part of the presidential agenda. Again, President Nicolás Maduro did not appear at the traditional protocol acts that are held to commemorate the Battle of Carabobo, nor for the Day of the Bolivarian Army, this June 24, and only He limited himself to sending a virtual greeting.

In the acts, regarding the 201 years of this commemorative date, the visible civil authority was the governor of the state of Carabobo, Rafael Lacava, who, dressed in a formal suit and crossed with the entity’s sash, led the official acts together with the Minister of the Defense, Vladimir Padrino López.

The presence of Lacava contrasted even more with the absence of Maduro and of course it did not go unnoticed by the citizens. In the publication of his participation in the acts carried out by the Carabobeño governor through his account @ lacava10oficial on the Instagram social network, the comments of the users, what was most repeated and highlighted was “his appearance as president.”

Lacava crossed a band and led the acts of June 24 in the absence of the presidential

Lacava crossed a band and led the acts of June 24 in the absence of the presidential

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