The President of the Republic, Luis Lacalle Pou, described the leak to public opinion of the National Intelligence Plan as a “sabotage national security” and stated that it is a person “who does not care about the country.”
“I don’t know who fits in the head, especially if it is a political leader or a ruler”, valued the president, and added: “there are people who prefer to harm a government and do not realize that it harms the country” .
Although various media outlets have assured that the leak occurred in Parliament, and that is where the government points the finger, the document could have passed through the hands of officials from various ministries and agencies of the national government. Lacalle said he did not know who did it because “Whoever does this kind of thing usually does it well”, but insisted that he is convinced that it was leaked from Parliament.
He agreed with Defense Minister Javier García, who said that this fact is a “treason” against the country. “If it is sabotage, if it threatens national security, it is an appropriate term,” the president concluded.
Accusations and photocopies
The director of Intelligence of the government, Álvaro Garcé, filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office, asserting that the leak of the National Strategic Intelligence Plan was made from Parliament.
In particular, Garcé accused the members of a commission in which the document was presented, within the framework of a secret session.
The senator and coordinator of the Broad Front (FA) bench, Liliam Kechichian, understands that documents of this caliber have something like “traceability”, especially those that are secret or reserved. “The protocol says that it must be registered like this, each one that is done must have a classification,” he added.
In that case, Garcé should know “perfectly” who was the person who delivered the plan to journalists. The day of the secret session, Kechichian added, Garcé was arriving from a trip abroad, and got off “the plane to get to Parliament.”
Given this scenario, Garcé asked officials from a branch of the Legislative Palace to make photocopies. “It also involves some officials, excellent officials, from the Legislative Palace,” explained the Frente Amplio legislator. Traceability would have been broken here.
He also claims to know that the papers were in the hands of other organizations such as the Presidency, the Ministry of Defense, the Interior, Foreign Relations and more, so putting the focus on Parliament could be something strategic.
“We are sure that other people handled this information, that’s why we asked the Executive Branch to investigate,” Kechichian said in an interview with In perspective.