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La Paz celebrates with parallel festivities and delivery of works from the three levels

La Paz celebrates with parallel festivities and delivery of works from the three levels

July 11, 2023, 20:00 PM

July 11, 2023, 20:00 PM

The Department of La Paz will celebrate this Sunday the 214 years of the Libertarian Gesta with parallel festivities organized by the Mayor’s Office and the Governor’s Office. The deliveries of works and the announcement of investments for projects began this week by the three levels of the State.

Despite the authorities’ solo activities, President Luis Arce, Mayor Iván Arias, and Governor Santos Quispe They will be together in the protocol acts of July 16 to show unity, as they already did last year.

“We are 214 years away from our libertarian feat and for La Paz it is important without a doubt. President Luis Arce is touring different municipalities for deliveries of workseducational units, houses, micro-irrigation and our march to the north with the road connection and the roads in which we are working to be able to integrate ourselves and for the development of La Paz”, informed the vice minister of Communication, Gabriela Alcón, to the media. communication.

As for big projects The construction of 30 industrial plants is planned in different municipalities of La Paz, the execution of the third level Pediatric Children’s Hospital in the city of El Alto and the fourth level Gastroenterological Institute, to be delivered at the end of the year. To this is added, the biodiesel plant also at the end of the year and the HBO plant to lower the price of fuel throughout the country.

The vice minister emphasized that the chief executive officer will participate in all protocol acts, such as the lighting of the tea in the House of Pedro Domingo Murillo, the traditional parade and in the sessions of honor. Regarding this last activity, both the Municipal Council and the Departmental Legislative Assembly are organizing the acts simultaneously and a clash of schedules is generated.

Alcón said that they will accommodate the president’s agenda so that he can attend all the invitations and emphasized that it is a moment of celebration to deliver works, therefore, He reiterated the importance of releasing credits from the Legislative Assembly.

In this last week, the government’s position focused on the request to the pro-government and opposition legislators to approve the credits stagnant internationals.

The ‘archists’ This week they will try to unlock the validation of international loans for $327 million and $52 million, although the beginning of the legislative recess plays against him. The ‘evismo’ stated that it has no certainty regarding the destination of these funds, while the opposition pointed out that “indebtedness indicators” are already dangerous for the country.

Despite the difficulties, Vice President David Choquehuanca, like the first president, is touring the department of La Paz delivering works such as the Ichoca Educational Unit, housing for the El Pedregal area, and a modern quinoa processing plant in Patacamaya.

“This month we have to deliver several works in the department of La Paz because he (President Arce) is aware that without the people we are nothing. We have to be everywhere.”the authority maintained during the delivery of a Phase II Radio Base in the town of Quinturani.

Celebrations and other projects

For the third consecutive year, the Government and the Mayor of La Paz will hold separate celebrations. The management of Iván Arias prepares the traditional festival, projecting it as an international festival with foreign and national artists. Meanwhile, the Quispe administration plans a musical recital in the city of El Alto.

The “Verbena Paceña 2023 International Festival” will have as its main guest the group Los Auténticos Decadentes, from Argentina, who will perform together with several other artists, such as Erick Elera, from Peru; Luis Vega, Wara, Lawless, Deszaire, Maroyu de Néstor Yucra, Gran Matador, Doble Vía, Octavia, among others. The singer Monica Ergueta He looked at payments to international artists that would be above what local artists will receive.

In El Alto, the Wayna La Paz will be held with national artists. Regarding both events, the costs and expenses for the assembly of the scenarios are unknown.

Another parallel act will be the honor session. Mayor Arias regretted that the Government has refused to hold a single event.
“I want to tell you that, for example, in Sucre, this year they got together to hold a session where the Sucre Council, the Governor’s Office, the president (Luis Arce) and the mayors were present, and that gave a positive message, but we were They said no, that the Governor’s Office (of La Paz) will take action, it’s a shame, we could have gotten together and given a nice message in a single session,” said the mayor.

Arias recalled that the acts by on July 16 it was carried out by the Mayor’s Office and on October 20, when the foundation of La Paz is celebrated, it is in charge of the Governor’s Office. “(But) in the last two years Mr. (Governor Santos) Quispe has held parallel sessions. I have gone and they did not even put me on the front end ”, he claimed.

Regarding the delivery of works, the municipal authority announced the delivery of 110 works in the month of July. One of the major projects is the double vaulting of the Choqueyapu River.

this week too A sports court was inaugurated in the Max Paredes macrodistrict, the stabilization of the Kantutani zone, pedestrian works, improvement and maintenance of parks, and others.

Until June of this year, lhe municipalities of Cobija and La Paz lead the list of the 10 largest municipalities in the country with the highest budget execution, according to data from the Public Management System (Sigep), of the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance. According to the detail of the information, the municipality of La Paz achieved an execution of 38.7%, ranking second.

By your side, Governor Santos Quispe handed over the Qhulmayu Chari bridge in the municipality of Charazani.

“Previously we have come to sign the agreement, but unfortunately most of the population did not believe that we are going to build the bridge because many governors and authorities did not keep their promises. Today is that great day, today we are opening that beautiful double-track bridge. In my administration we are looking at projects such as bridges and also for electrification”, highlighted the departmental authority.

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