The Regional Government of Freedom promised to manage with the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion and EsSalud the replacement of 700 CAS COVID workers, after hearing the discontent of a group of former employees of that sector who marched in the Trujillo main square.
At the Government House, the highest authority in Libertad, César Acuña, was asked to intercede with his good offices before the competent bodies so that they comply with Law No. 31539, given that, as they explain, MINSA does It has complied with passing regular CAS to healthcare personnel, but EsSalud still needs to do it.
Although the requirement of former workers is not the responsibility of the regional government, they were happy that the ing. César Acuña is the channel that takes your concern to Lima. Meanwhile, the governor declared that he will seek an appointment with the Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion, Alfonso Adrianzén, and the executive president of EsSalud, Aurelio Orellana, to join efforts and get them to return to their workplaces.
On the other hand, those affected regretted that health personnel are being hired by third parties and are not replaced when the need for health services still persists. “We are very concerned about our situation; In the toughest moments of the pandemic, we have exposed our lives when we cared for infected people,” they said.