La Vega. In the framework of a successful day dedicated to financial education, the speaker and personal finance advisor, Carmen Blanc, gave her conference entitled *“You and your Money: Keys to Financial Well-being”, at the Casa de la Cultura in La Vega, with the support of the organization *IR Educ.
The event brought together a large group of people interested in learning key strategies to manage their personal finances effectively, especially in an economic context that demands greater education and financial awareness.
During the conference, Blanc addressed crucial topics for financial well-being, from savings planning to debt management and the importance of smart investing. However, one of the points that resonated most with attendees was when the speaker emphasized the importance of knowing the financial history of the couple before getting engaged or taking the step towards marriageBlanc stressed that this step is essential to building a strong relationship and avoiding future conflicts arising from undiscussed financial issues.
“Knowing a couple’s financial background is just as important as knowing their emotional health. It is essential for couples to talk openly about their debts, spending habits and financial goals before getting married. This can avoid major friction in the future and strengthen the bond from the start,” said Carmen Blanc, taking advantage of the active participation of several couples present at the event.
The event concluded with a question and answer session where attendees were able to receive direct guidance from the expert on their financial concerns, creating a dynamic and participatory learning environment.
With events like this, IR Educ educational community, continues its mission of promoting financial education as a key tool for the growth and well-being of the community. The event was sponsored by businessmen from the city and the municipal council of La Vega.