Melanio Rodríguez, vice president of the peasant rounds of the Chadín district, in Chota (Cajamarca), pointed out this Friday that they demanded the journalist to “Fourth power”, Eduardo Quispe, read the statement on national television with the intention of “corroborating his identity”.
“[Periodista: ¿Ustedes les dijeron, si esto (mensaje) no sale al aire en América Televisión, ustedes no van a ser liberados?] Of course. We have told you: If you guys don’t want to air this, you’re not from America, you’re other people.”, he said in dialogue with successful.
Given that response and being asked again if it was true that they demanded that the statement be read, Rodríguez backed down on his claim, noting, “No, no. Required, no. will of them. A person’s will is free,” he detailed.
At another time, the vice-president of the peasant patrols of Chadin, denied that they had kidnapped the journalists of the Sunday program and ensured that only held “for an hour” not wanting to be identified.
Rodríguez added that both people identified themselves after they called the Municipality of Chadin. Likewise, he affirmed that the journalistic team left their work material (cameras, microphones, and other materials). “own will”.
“We have stopped them but one hour, until they identify themselves. They identify themselves, they voluntarily leave their cameras, but we haven’t stopped him for long. We have stopped them until the moment they identify themselves but they did not want to identify themselves. When they did not want to identify themselves, we have said the patrols have the right to arrest anyone“, accurate.
When asked if journalist Eduardo Quispe was forced to read a message as a condition for their release, he said: “The statement is in your own handwriting. [de los periodistas]. What they say is a lie.”