April 8, 2023, 7:25 AM
April 8, 2023, 7:25 AM
How to develop study skills to complete academic training successfully? The formula is known and repeated countless times. It is recommended establish regular schedules, prioritize tasks and avoid distractions. Also complement the training with the solving problems and challenges that help progress during learning.
These actions, applied within student life as study habits, improve their academic performance. The recommendation comes from experts in teaching and learning methodology.
A habit is a behavior that is performed often and is almost automated in some cases. Are routines that the brain carries out on automatic pilot that make up 40% of the actions that are carried out in the day, helping the brain to save energy. Study habits include strategies, techniques, and skills that are applied to opsave time and effort invested in learning. They can cover different aspects, such as time planning, the place of study, the use of resources and learning tools, among others.
“These habits include (actions such as) paying attention in the classroom, taking notes, and solving exercises. these habits They are essential for academic success. comments Raúl Alberto Chuquimia Callisaya, from the Teaching and Learning Department (JEA) team of the Franz Tamayo University, Unifranz.
Keys to being a successful student
The goal of a student is to successfully complete their training. It requires a lot of effort and dedication. Danitza Monrroy and Raúl Chuquimia, experts in teaching and learning methodologies, consider that there is keys that could help:
– Establish clear goals and achievable, it works to motivate you and achieve academic success.
– Have a study schedule and fulfill it, according to the tasks, establish fixed hours.
– Prioritize important tasks, identify the tasks that require more time dedication and effort. They are the first to be made.
– Concentrate and avoid distractionsEliminate any distractions to stay focused.
– Set goals and priorities in lifewill provide motivation when performing any task or responsibility.
There are various forms of learning that suit different student profiles.
Acquire habits in 21 days
Acquiring a new habit can have its complications. William James, father of modern psychology and philosopher, published an article called “The Habit” that explains how the nervous system and the brain assimilate a habit in 21 days, just by repeating the same action.
In the case of the study habit, Chuquimia recommends starting with set goals in the short, medium and long term; as a motivation to remember every day. In the same line, Monroy, ensures that the student “must become aware of his responsibility in the disposition of his time, manifest a self-commitment to his academic training.”
Organizing time is now simple. There are digital tools that allow you to keep track of the daily agenda on a nearby technological device such as a cell phone. “There are many tools for this purpose, among which I could recommend: google calendar, google task, google keep.” comments Monrroy
Monroy recommends to students know the learning style, that will allow you to strengthen channels to connect with your environment and thus be able to boost learning skillsdesigning personal strategies to consolidate learned knowledge.
The academic mentions several types of learning. there is the active learning, who prefers to experiment and have direct contact with the subject. In it reflective learningobserve the situation while they analyze them.
another kind of learning is he theoretical that seeks an interest in understanding the “why” of things instead the pragmatic learning It is motivated by knowing “what” things are for and achieving goals with first-hand information.
In it auditory learning You learn by listening to the information, with sounds related to the topic. Chuquimia highlights visual learning, verbal learning, mathematical logical learning, social learning, and intrapersonal learning.