Home South AmericaPeru Keep these five tips in mind to highlight your job profile in the digital ecosystem

Keep these five tips in mind to highlight your job profile in the digital ecosystem

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Keep these five tips in mind to highlight your job profile in the digital ecosystem

The is today one of the greatest assets that an executive or a professional can have in the . And whether they are actively looking for work or not, professionals often wonder how to be attractive to recruiters or .

According to experts from Manpower Business Professionals, the key is to build a good network, participate in activities related to your specialty and also be influential in social networks, which will help to be attractive and access possible better job opportunities.

Therefore, we share five recommendations for professionals to be more visible and attractive in the eyes of recruiters or headhunters:

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  • Communication in social networks: Although digital spaces are a great showcase, they must be used well. First of all, you have to be clear about an objective and what type of publications are aimed at it. Second, be clear that a professional image must be shown, and that publishing specialized content becomes a responsibility.
  • Participate in events: There are opportunities that can arise in unexpected places. For example, if one is summoned as a speaker to participate in a table or debate, this may be the moment to show oneself as an expert on a certain topic. In addition, to make a possible networking.
  • become an influencer: If you are clear about where you want to direct your career or in which industry you want to develop, then it is worth making the effort and participating in projects, events and even proposing actions to be part of what is being built. Being proactive always speaks well of one.
  • Be a leader, in every way: when recruiters or headhunters look for an executive, in short, they are looking for a leader. Therefore, it is recommended to promote this characteristic, either in work activities or in social environments.
  • Participate in chambers and/or associations: These places are ideal for showing off, since one interacts with colleagues, leaders and even members of civil and governmental organizations. In addition, you can share good practices, ideas, solutions and make it clear what skills you have.

“In the case of managers, when they want to change jobs, the ideal is for them to notify their colleagues. This may involve access to employment opportunities that are not public. Hence the importance of working on one’s own employability continuously, either by showing yourself to the internal public of the company or to the external one”, points out the firm belonging to ManpowerGroup.


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