Despite the fact that only peaceful marches are being held in the Junín region demanding the closure of Congress and the calling of new general elections, the regional directorate of Education has already issued multiple memorandum No. 089-2022-GHJR/DREJ, in which it orders the suspension of school classes, as a measure to safeguard minors.
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The document is addressed to the Ugeles of Huancayo, Chupaca, Jauja, Concepcion, Tarma, Junin, Yauli, Chanchamayo, Pichanaqui, Satipo, Pangoa, Rio Tambo and Rio Ene Mantaro, which are asked to adopt preventive measures to safeguard the physical and psychological integrity of teaching staff and students, while the protests last.
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The suspension of face-to-face classes would be considered according to the territorial scope, in which case virtual classes would be held until the end of the 2022 school classes this Friday, December 16. At the moment it was learned that Ugel Pichanaqui is the only one that has already suspended classes.