Municipal and state public services will have their operation changed in the city of São Paulo this Saturday (9), a state holiday of the Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932. The holiday was not one of the anticipated ones to help contain contamination by covid-19. Psychosocial Care Centers (Caps) III, the Zoonosis Surveillance Division (DVZ), the Epidemiological Surveillance Division (DVE), LabZoo, the Poison Control Center and the Regulation Center will not be open.
The Integrated AMA/UBS in the capital of São Paulo will be open from 7 am to 7 pm for emergency care and vaccination against influenza, covid-19, measles, among other diseases. The Emergency Care Units (UPA), emergency rooms and municipal hospitals, in addition to the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) also work normally.
Bom Prato will have six units open during the holiday Saturday. The units of Brás, Campos Elísios, Lapa, 25 de Março, Guaianases and São Mateus do Bom Prato are normally open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. These units will also work on Sunday (10). Breakfast, which costs BRL 0.50, is served from 7am. The lunch service, worth R$1, starts at 10:30 am, especially for seniors, and at 11 am for the general public. Dinners, also priced at R$1, are served from 5pm.
The train lines controlled by Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM) will be equivalent to Sunday. The trains of Lines 8-Diamante and 9-Esmeralda, operated by ViaMobilidade, will operate normally throughout the holiday. In the Metro, lines 1-Blue, 2-Green, 3-Red and 15-Silver will operate with reserve trains to meet passenger demand, if necessary. On the privatized 4-Yellow line, the operation will be the same as on Sunday. On line 5-Lilac, circulation will be normal for a Saturday.
The lines of the Metropolitan Company of Urban Transport (EMTU) of São Paulo will follow the schedules of Sundays. The São Paulo Transporte (SPTrans) services will not change and both the bus operation and the sales and service stations will work as they do every Saturday.
Poupatempo stations will be closed during the July 9th holiday throughout the state of São Paulo, but digital services will continue to be available on the website. Post offices will also not be open.