The president of Judicial BranchJanet Tello Gilardi warned that Law 32130 approved by Congress, which empowers defendants challenge the self -prosecution to start an oral trial, will lead to chaos in the administration of justice.
“A car prosecution was never challenged, this will be chaos, it will not have a solution and will be a hecatombe as it has been,” said the magistrate during her speech at the Congress of the Republic.
“The cassation has been denatured, which is exceptional and has become a challenge mechanism, practically ex officio,” said the highest judicial authority.
The Supreme Judge made reference to the fact that approximately 100 cases that were to indicate a trial date, in the jurisdiction of the National Specialized Criminal Court, were affected by the aforementioned law.
He gave as an example the case of the Permanent Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, which, of 3 thousand files in October last year, the figure increased to 14,500 in January of this year.
She was invited to participate in the work table to fight crime and citizen insecurity, headed by Eduardo Sallejuana Cavides.
Flagrance Specialized System
Tello Gilardi highlighted, on the other hand, the importance of creating a system specialized in flagrance, but for its greater effectiveness, it not only resolves cases called Bagatela, such as theft or driving in a drunken state, but crimes such as those of feminicide and sicariato .
“There we have a feminicide that almost practically has the bloody knife in the hand and body of the woman with whom she has had a relationship, buried in her house, what else would we need?” He said.
He also said that the Judiciary is the governing body of the Flagrance System, an initiative promoted by this institution with its own resources and that it currently occupies a preponderant place in the fight against insecurity.
However, he demanded the need for a budget according to the needs and priorities of this system, as transitory detention centers for criminals processed by flagrance, laboratories, among others.
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