WhatsApp conversations would reveal the interest that existed in the resigning Minister of Transport and Communications, John Silvato award the award of the National Fiber Optic Dorsal Network (RDNFO) to a single bidder despite the contrary position of the National Telecommunications Program (Pronatel).
The RDNFO is an emblematic project that involves the laying of 13,500 kilometers of fiber throughout the country to provide high-speed Internet.
As reported by Cuarto Poder, while a new operator was being sought for the RDNFO, Pronatel was in charge of the network. For this reason, a market study was carried out and 36 companies were invited to participate, of which only 3 reached the final part. Of the 3, only one met the criteria: Gilat Optical.
“There was a lot of pressure in general. Yes, it could be said that it was not such a normal process. In my estimation, as there was a high probability of addressing. So, I perceived that those terms of reference were directed”, indicated Fabiola Caballero, former Deputy Minister of Transportation.
For his part, the former executive director of Pronatel Jorge Túpac Yupanqui maintained that he was removed from his post when he made public the pressure to grant the concession to the company Gilat Optical. “It was not the best option“, Held.
“The market study is showing us that we are not yet adequate to the real market. The price is real and the plurality of bidders requirement was not met. We decided to continue with the market study instead of granting it”, he added.
WhatsApp message from January 14
Juan Silva sent the following message via WhatsApp to Fabiola Caballero: “Let the concession take its course”.
Caballero’s response defended Pronatel’s position, but the then minister replied: “That’s story. What they want is to postpone the concession due to outside pressure. Be careful”.
“It was good to have stopped”, Caballero defended his position and attached a report from the Comptroller General of the Republic.
“That complaint is anonymous from someone interested in knocking down the process. They think we don’t notice. We will ask the Comptroller to rule and investigate to unmask the maliciousSilva wrote.
According to Fabiola Caballero, there was a lot of interest in “moving the process forward” and “practically giving as the winner an option that seemed to me not appropriate”.