Death penalty. The Minister of the Interior, Juan José Santiváñezspoke about the president’s proposal Dina Boluarte in which he points out that it is time to start the debate on the death penalty against child rapists. In this sense, the owner of the Mininter He indicated that the measure should also apply to hitmen.
“I definitely support this proposal. We must establish, precisely, the work between all the entities that are in charge of justice, but, even, I believe that from the Ministry of the Interior we would pick up an additional proposal which is to include the hitmen” said Juan José Santiváñez.
In his same statements, Santiváñez indicated that, if a police officer has not received the complaints from the parents of the girl murdered in Villa María del Triunfo, it will be the PNP Inspectorate who will determine the responsibility of any police officer who may be involved in a case of corruption or for his inaction.
Death penalty: Dina Boluarte proposes that the debate be opened on her proposal against child rapists
The president Dina Boluarte announced in his speech that it is time to start a debate on the death penalty for rapists during an event held in Surco. This statement by the president arose when referring to the murder of a 12-year-old girl in Villa Maria del Triunfo last December 9.
“We should not have any type of contemplation with those who dare to touch our boys and girls, who are the most sacred and untouchable for our Peruvian families. It is time that, faced with events of this magnitude that should be inconceivable within a society, we raise drastic measures, it is time to open the debate on the death penalty for child rapists“We cannot allow guys like these to walk free in the streets,” he declared. Dina Boluarte.
As part of her speech, the president called on the National Police of Peru (PNP) to reinforce its efforts in order to provide due protection to the children of Peru. “I also call on our national police, we must strengthen our tools and our actions to protect the most vulnerable, like in this case our boys and girls,” he emphasized.
Death penalty: president of Congress ruled on Dina Boluarte’s proposal
The president of Congress, Eduardo Salhuanaspoke about Dina Boluarte’s proposal to open the debate on the death penalty for child rapists. In that sense, Salhuana indicated that the measure must be discussed and analyzed.
“It is a controversial issue, it is a debatable issue, it is an issue that arises every time there are serious situations of this nature and that, obviously, generates indignation, rejection, censure and condemnation of these subjects who carry out these execrable acts. I believe that it must be discussed, it must be analyzed,” he commented. Eduardo Salhuana.