This morning, before entering the Casa Rosada, John Manzur described, before various local media, as “extremely productive” the meeting between the Minister of Economy, Silvina Batakis and the board of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) yesterday afternoon.
the chief of staff, John Manzurassured that the tour carried out by the minister in Washington, United States, is very important, since in the meetings that are held, the macroeconomic situation of Argentina is analyzed with different international organizations.
“The minister has been having very important meetings with the United States Treasury and the IMF in which she discusses the macroeconomic situation in Argentina. Yesterday he had an extremely productive meeting with Georgieva,” he said. John Manzur.
Along these same lines, the president highlighted the meetings that the minister will hold today with North American businessmen and investors, which could be a great financial opportunity for the country.
The chief of staff also spoke of the decline in the blue dollar yesterday, about which he said, “yesterday, fortunately there was a marked decline in what is known as financial and blue dollars.”
In this sense, the president stressed that for the Government the most important thing is to be able to invest every dollar that the country has, in production and work, which means a great challenge for the current administration.

“Every dollar that Argentina has, it is clear that we want to invest it in production and work. That is the great challenge we have. We want to continue moving in that direction“
Juan Manzur denied that there are more changes in the cabinet
When asked about the recent rumors about more changes in the government cabinet, the politician He stated that this “is arranged by the president and all the ministers continue to work with the same strength, enthusiasm and dedication to service”.

He also added that these types of rumors “are part of politics, our task is to continue redoubling our efforts.”