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Juan Luis Cipriani: What is Opus Dei? The Catholic organization to which the former archbishop of Lima belongs, denounced for sexual abuse

Juan Luis Cipriani: What is Opus Dei? The Catholic organization to which the former archbishop of Lima belongs, denounced for sexual abuse

After the complaint against the former archbishop of Lima was made public, Juan Luis Ciprianiby a 58-year-old man who shared his testimony with the Spanish newspaper El País, different details about the cardinal accused of sexual abuse have resurfaced. One of the most notable is its affiliation to the Opus Deia religious organization of the Catholic Church also known as The work. This group arrived in Peru in 1953 and has hundreds of thousands of members. For decades, the organization has been the subject of controversies related to its authoritarian structure, allegations of abuse and pedophilia, as well as its markedly ultra-conservative ideas.

For Pavel Aguilar, master in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), Opus Dei has a series of striking characteristics in its organization: “Some analysts classify it as a sect due to its verticalism, secrecy and exclusivity. Others, however, consider it a very well organized and cohesive congregation of faithful “he stated.

YOU CAN SEE: RMP on complaint against Juan Luis Cipriani for sexual abuse of a minor: “Everything said is true and easy to corroborate”

Aguilar also pointed out that the ideology of Opus Dei is linked to practices based on a “religious passion” that, in many aspects, can be seen as radical: “The ideas of Opus Dei are closely related to those of its founder, the now saint Josemaría Escrivá, who advocated radicalizing the Catholic faith through a path of holiness accessible to all types of people. However, this invitation to the apostolate includes practices uncommon in other congregations, such as the ‘mortification of. the flesh’, which consists of inflicting harm on oneself to atone for the spirit. A practice defended, for example, by the current mayor of Lima, Rafael López Aliaga, who is a well-known member of La Obra. ultraconservative political stance, close in its beginnings to the regime of the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco and, later, to right-wing and far-right governments and movements in various parts of the world,” he added.

“The members of Opus Dei are convinced that they belong to a select group called by God”

Aguilar, also an anthropologist by National University of Trujillo (UNT), indicated that social relations within La Obra are not equitable: “Its members come from different social and economic sectors: some belong to wealthy elites, while others come from middle or lower middle sectors. Critics maintain that, within of the organization, a more rigid and segmented social structure is reproduced than that of the external society, which is reflected in complaints of conditions close to semi-slavery. However, Opus Dei defends itself by arguing that all its members participate voluntarily. and freely accept practices such as celibacy and other commitments related to their status in the organization,” he explained.

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The specialist added that the members of Opus Dei usually maintain a messianic thought about themselves: “It is common among them to be convinced of being part of a select group of people called by God, considering themselves, in a certain way, the ‘new crusaders’ of the Catholicism in an increasingly secularized world. As far as I know, they prefer to socialize among themselves or participate in activities with other members of their organization, something common in groups with sectarian characteristics,” he concluded.

The Work is not alien to national politics

Several members of Opus Dei have prominent roles in State institutions and in positions of power in the country. One of the most notable cases is that of Rafael Lopez Aliagacurrent mayor of Lima, who has openly declared his membership in the Catholic organization. During his presidential campaign in 2021, López Aliaga confirmed practices typical of members of the Opus Deisuch as celibacy and the use of the hair shirt.

Shortly before the complaint against Cipriani became known, López Aliaga delivered the Order of Merit Medal in the degree of Grand Cross to the former archbishop, recognizing “his pastoral, academic and ecclesiastical work”, according to the Municipality of Lima. After the complaint, López Aliaga expressed his support for Cipriani, stating that “it is unfair to accuse a human being without giving him the right to defend himself.”

YOU CAN SEE: Juan Luis Cipriani publishes letter after reporting abuse and assures that accusations are false: “I was not listened to”

Another relevant figure is Luz Pachecocurrent president of Constitutional Courtwho has declared to be part of Opus Dei since 1971. In an interview, he assured that the organization contributed to his academic and spiritual formation. However, she has been criticized for her conservative positions, such as her opposition to the free distribution of the morning-after pill, supported by a 2009 Constitutional Court ruling.

Other notable members include Rafael Reyformer Minister of Defense and former director of the Central Reserve Bank, and Fabiola Moralescouncilor of Lima and general secretary of the Popular Renewal party.

Opus Dei would have been aware of the complaint against Juan Luis Cipriani

According to El País, the whistleblower reported on the abuses of Opus Dei leaders in 1983. This would imply that La Obra had known about the accusations against Cipriani for more than 35 years. However, members of the organization consulted by the Spanish media denied having knowledge of these complaints.

YOU CAN SEE: José Enrique Escardó, first whistleblower of the Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana, meets with Pope Francis in the Vatican

The regional vicar of Opus Dei in Peru, Ángel Gómez-Hortiguelaacknowledged in a statement that it had rejected a request for a meeting from the complainant in 2018, calling this decision a mistake. He also admitted that in the past there were no adequate protocols for processing complaints, a situation that he stated has been corrected since 2020.

Gómez-Hortigüela concluded by reaffirming Opus Dei’s commitment to transparency and its support for victims of abuse: “I apologize with all my heart if I have not known how to fully welcome a person who wanted to be heard,” he declared.

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