Azambuya, who has held the position since February 2023 and has a 35-year career in the police institution, met this Thursday at the Plaza Germany building with Carlos Negro, designated as the next Minister of the Interior. At the meeting, Negro formally offered him to continue as head of the National Police Directorate, highlighting his performance in the role.
This is the second confirmed case of continuity in the Ministry of the Interior team, after it was also announced that Diego Sanjurjo, current advisor in the portfolio, will continue in the new administration.
Before attending the meeting, Azambuya requested authorization from the current Minister of the Interior, Nicolás Martinelli, who endorsed his participation in the meeting held at the transition headquarters in the Palermo neighborhood.
At the meeting, Azambuya’s management and the results obtained since he assumed the National Police Directorate were highlighted, which led to the decision to keep him in office during the new government period.