SA NTO DOMINGO.- JOsé Dantés Díaz, Secretary of Legal Affairs of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), assured that the Constitutional reform proposal is not the priority for the Dominican nation, even though President Luis Abinader insists on it, because the country faces a series of of pressing situations that should be a priority for the government.
He stated that the government should be focused on trying to solve the high cost of living, insecurity, the deterioration of public services and national production, which has fallen to levels not really seen in recent decades.
He expressed that the concern of the people, of the ordinary citizen, is not the reform of the Constitution, but the solution of their problems.
“For you to reform the constitution you must be clear that it is a political pact, first; then a social pact; and finally, a legal pact; and the conditions are not given in any of the three scenarios, ”said the PLD leader in statements reviewed by the PLD Communications Secretariat.
In this sense, the PLD lawyer pointed out that in terms of the legal content, those who have read the proposals have realized that what the government proposes about the independence of the Public Ministry is a contradiction.
“In their proposal they dismantle the Constitutional Regime to send it to a law, but they do not present that bill, and they say that as soon as that law comes out, that Public Ministry will continue to appoint the President of the Republic, so where is independence? ; and, on the other hand, they want to name it until 2028”, he pointed out.
He indicated that in different scenarios the president has said that the country already has an independent Public Ministry, so “why reform the Constitution?”
“On the other hand, he says that he is the only president who in this case would be removing powers with that reform, nothing less true, because appointing a prosecutor until the 28th is not removing powers, because empowering the Judicial Council to remove judges of the high courts is not to take away powers”, he added.
He reiterated that in legal terms the project is not really viable, but there is no political or social consensus either, because what the Dominican people are complaining about every day is insecurity, the high cost of living and blackouts. .