congressman Jose Cueto of People’s Renewal He stated that they will wait for the congresswoman’s response Gladys Echaiz to join your bench and make a decision.
“We have had conversations with our spokespersons and the main ones in charge of them is a small group that we have appointed in the bench to take charge, we have invited Dr. Echaíz once her resignation from APP is known and we are going to wait these days to see what her decision and according to that we will take some actions”he indicated.
LOOK: Héctor Acuña against the possible nomination of Lady Camones to the Board of Directors
At another point, Congressman Cueto maintained that if Congresswoman Echaíz rejects the proposal to integrate Renovación Popular, and decides to integrate another caucus, they would still support her candidacy to preside over the Board of Directors.
“Dr. Echaíz would be an excellent candidate to chair the Board of Directors. The second option is to form a Multiparty Board of Directors (…) We have always talked about the person, if someone should go to the head of a list it should be Dr. Echaíz, the support is for her”, emphasized.