congressman Jorge Montoya of Popular Renewal described the appointment of Kelly Portalatino as Minister of Health as the demonstration that the quota granted by the president still remains peter castle to the faction of Vladimir Cerrón in Peru Libre.
“It means that there has been no rupture and that Cerrón is close to the president. They have tried to keep that distance, I imagine to stay away from corruption complaints, but because of what has happened in the Ministry of Health, I think that this complaint grabs everyone, not only the president, but his closest collaborators “commented this Friday before the press.
On Thursday, October 27, Pedro Castillo swore in as the new Minister of Health the spokeswoman for the Peru Libre caucus, Kelly Portalatino, something that Montoya evaluated as “following the cerronista quota in the Cabinet.”
The opposition parliamentarian also pointed out that you need to be an expert in health sector administration to hold the position at the head of the ministry.
“It does not mean that doctors, because they are doctors, can do it. Let’s see how he can perform.”he concluded.