I don’t know if the sworn enemies of vaccines, especially those formulated to combat covid-19, but contrary to all the others and to the concept itself, number in the millions. Beyond the number, difficult to specify, this motley conglomerate, made up of religious fanatics and simple uninformed, agrees on this last point: they are moved, above all and above all, by ignorance. They have managed, however, to intimidate a good number of governments, especially in some advanced nations. In recent weeks, information about the concessions they have obtained in favor of their cause has often increased.
Fortunately, there are –although the media barely alludes to them and the organized influence they attribute to them is very scant– mobilizations and pronouncements favorable not only to vaccination, but to the set of actions and preventive measures that have been widely applied in recent months. Some governments, not many, social movements and social organizations have taken up and continue to uphold the cause of science in the global response to covid-19 and underline many of the negative collateral consequences that the continued insufficiency of vaccines brings with it given the magnitude of the needs and the enormous risks involved in its absolutely unbalanced distribution. This, it could be said, ensures that the available vaccines are concentrated where they are least needed and remain in fact unaffordable where they are actually needed.
This is followed by a brief and highly selective review of various pieces of information about one or the other: the movements antivax
and the privileged treatment that in many instances they have achieved, on the one hand, and, on the other, the voices and actions in favor of carrying out public health policies based on the information and scientific evidence available, both against covid-19 and other ailments or threats.
To begin with a positive example, we should refer to the case of Portugal: The Portuguese authorities have decided to extend the current state of alert until the end of August and extend the validity of all related rules and practices, in light of the observed increase in covid-19 cases.
(Schengenvisanews, 8/1/22). The Minister of the Presidency of Portugal, Mariana Vieira da Silva, felt impelled to explain that everyone was still forced to wear a face mask on public transport
, also warning that these actions could be reinforced if the public health circumstances so require. Portugal has distinguished itself by a reasonably well-oriented policy. More than the number of infections, it is shown by those related to vaccination. By mid-July, he had received the call primary vaccination
(first dose) 94.5 percent of adult residents (about 25 million doses); 79.3 percent had also received a first reinforcement and 5.9 percent also the second or, as they used to say, the complete scheme
. In other words, it has decided to focus on specific measures rather than more generic provisions.
The case of France is, unfortunately, an example in the other direction, judging above all by the most recent decisions, already applicable this summer and aimed at defining the actions and measures designed to deal with the expected (and feared) wave of the coming winter. From August 1, All travelers will be able to enter French territory without having to comply with any of the access rules, since the country has decided to nullify all restrictions
(ShengenVisaInfo.com8/1/22.) The decision to eliminate entry restrictions related to covid-19, announced by the French Minister of the Interior, provides that “all travellers, regardless of the country of origin, will no longer be required, at the time of arrival, the presentation of a vaccination certificate, recovery or clinical examination…, and they will be able to enter France for any reason, without having to provide a compelling reason justifying the need [del solicitante] to enter French territory.
The provision adds an important prevention: “According to the law, the government retains until January 31, 2023 the possibility of resorting to an ’emergency brake’, for a maximum period of two months…, in case of appearance and circulation of a new variant of covid-19 that constitutes a severe threat to health or, in overseas territories, in the case of saturation of the health system.
As is evident, both those who are inclined to annul preventive measures and actions as soon as possible and those who wish to modulate or condition their withdrawal seem, worth the expression, not have them all with you
. Perhaps regarding covid-19 and its vast consequences, direct and indirect, no one seems to really have enough knowledge now.