Join the Day of Indigenous Resistance, fight for decolonization

Join the Day of Indigenous Resistance, fight for decolonization

On the 530th anniversary of the Indigenous Resistance, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, declared that the fight for the decolonization of the indigenous peoples of America be added to this commemoration.

“I declare as of this year the Day of Indigenous Resistance and the decolonization of all America,” he said as he left the so-called People’s Balcony of the Miraflores Palace in Caracas, when receiving the marchin the midst of a downpour, which was carried out in rejection of the economic blockade and the coercive measures promoted by the United States (USA) and the European Union against the people of Venezuela.

Maduro recalled when Commander Hugo Chávez Frías ruled that October 12 could not be celebrated as Columbus Day or Hispanic Day, but rather as a commemoration of the resistance of indigenous peoples, not only in Venezuela, but throughout America. “Today we also pay tribute to the spiritual strength of our Hugo Chavez,” he said.

“We have to go to the decolonization of the mind, education, culture and the historical account of the struggle. We must continue to resist US imperialism, but we must go to a process of decolonization of our peoples, of our life in society.

For her part, the Minister of Popular Power for Indigenous Peoples, Clara Vidal, highlighted the participation “of the new heroes and heroines, we are the new Guaicaipuro, Apacuanos, the new defenders of the Indian struggle,” she said.

“We are the captains, caciques, our true heroes, we came to show our love 530 later, we came to show that we resist.”

Congress of the New Age

President Nicolás Maduro announced that from November 12 to 14 the Congress of the New Era of the Indigenous Movement of Venezuela will be held, in which a new joint work plan will be decided “to continue titling ancestral Indian lands, the lands must be handed over to to promote agricultural production and native culture and education”, said the first national president.

Maduro announced that the Indian peoples of the region, such as the Mapuche of Chile and the indigenous of Canada, will be invited to the event.

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