Home South AmericaBrasil João Doria announces that he will not contest presidential elections

João Doria announces that he will not contest presidential elections

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João Doria announces that he will not contest presidential elections

Former São Paulo governor João Doria (PSDB) announced today (23) that he withdrew from his pre-candidate for this year’s presidential elections. “I withdraw from the dispute with a wounded heart, but with a light soul. With the unmistakable feeling of duty accomplished and mission well accomplished,” he said.

In a speech made in Jardins, in the capital of São Paulo, and broadcast on social media, Doria informed that, despite having been chosen in the PSDB’s pre-candidate as a pre-candidate for the presidency by the party, he understood that it was not “the choice of the summit”. of the PSDB”.

“I accept this reality with my head held high. I am a man who respects common sense, dialogue and balance. I have always sought and will continue to seek consensus, even if it is contrary to my personal will. The PSDB will know how to make the best decision in its positioning for this year’s elections”, he added.

Doria ended her speech by thanking her supporters and collaborators and highlighted that an alternative to what she called extremes is needed. He did not make it clear whether he intends to contest this year’s elections in other positions.

Doria’s speech comes on the eve of a meeting in which his party must define how it will position itself in this year’s presidential elections. A joint note signed by the PSDB, MDB and Citizenship and released last week reported that the three parties are studying announcing a single candidacy for the presidency of the Republic. “MDB, PSDB and Citizenship have an appointment with their own history and the history of the country. It is the awareness of the serious national moment, both from the political-institutional and economic-social point of view, that guided the three parties in the discussions about an alliance of the democratic center that could offer Brazilians and Brazilians an alternative to polarization”, he says. the communiqué.

João Doria was mayor of São Paulo between 2017 and 2018, leaving office to run for the São Paulo government, for which he was elected. He took over the government of São Paulo in 2019 and served his term until March 31 of this year, when he informed that he would leave office to run in the presidential elections. In his place, Rodrigo Garcia (PSDB) took over.

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