Today: February 18, 2025
March 3, 2023
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JICA supports the country on the issue of solid waste

JICA supports the country on the issue of solid waste

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the International Cooperation Agency of the Japan (JICA) has been contributing to the country in various aspects, mainly on the subject of Solid wasteits management and final disposal, and as stated by its Senior officer, Huáscar Peña, the support continues with economic and technical contributions.

The Duquesa landfill has been a priority for the Japanese agency, which has not only contributed in the economic aspect, but also in the technical training of personnel in the areas of waste management. Solid waste and other aspects.

Huáscar Peña, Senior program officer of the jicasaid that since 1991 this entity began the design of cells, carried out studies and donated equipment such as tractors, mechanical shovels and others for the management of the trash in Duchess.

“In this technical support, also financial, for the first studies Japan contributed 800,000 dollars for the studies and the second phase of updating, approximately one million dollars,” he said.

He said that since 2015 they have been working on a master plan for the management of Solid waste and final provision that was updated in 2018 and announced that there is good news with the technical closing work of Duquesa.

“We understand that by the end of this year and at the beginning of 2024 we will be proceeding to carry out the rehabilitation works of the Duquesa landfill, adapting it to the existing regulations, but. above all, putting a perspective of technical closure in the medium term that allows what is being done to be done, but better, with higher levels of efficiency in terms of financial sustainability and environmental aspects ”he said.

What is done now is to operate the landfill with the perspective of technical closure to take advantage of its useful life and identify another place where a sanitary landfill can be built with all the technical requirements that will last 20 or 30 more years.

For this the jica contributes 45 million dollars and, together with the Inter-American Development Bank, a total of 110 million dollars.

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Currently the jica develops a municipal initiative that seeks efficiency in planning so that the central government and local authorities meet the demands of the people and strengthen the institutional framework.

This is the project for the Development of Capacities for Efficient Planning and Management of Territorial Development in the Cibao Norte Region (Prodecare) that will respond to the strategic objectives and needs of citizens.

In the impact zones where the initiative is being developed, 3,315 essential demands have been identified to be met by various institutions, both local and central government. They were identified with the implementation of the Single Registry of Territorial Citizen Demands (Rudct)

81.2% of the demands are related to infrastructures; 43.6% training, 23.6% financing and 14% various kinds.

In the budget for this 2023, 151 investment projects were included, which will be followed up with the competent institutions through the Ministry of Economy Planning and development.

Present at the press conference in which the project was announced were Yasushi Wada, leader of the team of Japanese experts for the Prodecare project; Sasaki Kenta, deputy resident representative of the jicaand by the Government Horacio Medrano, director of the Development Council and Leomary Liriano, in charge of coordination of the Vice Ministry of Planning, both of the Ministry of EconomyPlanning and development.

Degree in Social Communication from the O&M University. He has practiced journalism since 1988 on radio, television and newspapers.

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