Through a police verification, it was learned yesterday that since last December 24 the work of the highway JU-103 that joins Jauja and Tarma, executed by the Regional Government of Junín, it is abandoned. The procedure was carried out by the councilor of the province of Jauja, David Eslado, who pointed out that after all the tour made with a PNP cash from the city police station, it was verified that no engineer or worker was in the work, which which would mean several days of abandonment.
WATCH THIS: Regional Government of Junín takes away S/19 million from the JU-103 to Tarma
The JU-103 is executed by the Junín II Road Consortium and will demand a total amount of more than 150 million soles. Yesterday morning, the regional authority appeared at the company’s office located on Francisco Carlé avenue. The place is located on the second floor of a hotel. There, the supervisory assistant, Yurelly Flores, pointed out that at that time no one was in the premises and that the supervisory chief, Jorge Villalobos Rafael, was in Huancayo.
In the absence, Eslado and the PNP went to Primavera Avenue, another of the consortium’s premises, and they did not find personnel there either. Only the cost assistant, Jhonatan Artica Gonzáles, who pointed out, like the previous worker, that there was no staff. The counselor communicated with the engineers Jesús Morales and Bianka Fabián, only the latter responded and said that she was in the field, but could not specify her location.
A tour of the site was also made and no personnel or machinery was found working. This, for Eslado, is proof that the company has abandoned the work and that the Regional Government is no longer interested in supervising this project. It should be remembered that the Junín Regional Government decided to take 19 million soles from this road to refer them to another project.