Colombian households acknowledge that in January they bought less. This is reported in the first report of 2022 by the firm Raddar on the behavior of consumption in January.
(Spending in 2021 grew in Colombia, but not in all households).
It points out that during the first month of the year, households showed a worrying escalation in the perception of purchases, stating in 68.04% of cases that they were able to buy fewer things than the previous month.
Notice that this is “a figure never before registered in the Raddar Consumer Track”.
“Undoubtedly, the beginning of the year brings with it a series of challenges in terms of consumption, taking into account the inflationary phenomenon that not only affects perception but, effectively, is affecting the purchasing power of Colombians who closed 2021 with a high spending level”indicates.
During January 2022, households spent 72 billion pesos, with growth in current pesos of 11.40% This figure is quite positive if we take into account the inflation in January, which was around 6.9%.
Discounting the effect of prices, the real growth of households during the first month of the year was 4.16% compared to January 2021, a figure that he describes as positive considering that inflation was around 6.9%.
Likewise, it points out that if January 2020 is taken as a reference, As a period prior to the rows, in January 2022 all sources of income and spending recorded higher growth.
(At the rate of 2019, the quarterly spending of households in the country grew).
Raddar points out that the month under analysis is the most difficult month in the household spending basket, because the money takes time to arrive since the last payment for many households was in mid-December, and the money that was was spent on Christmas, holidays and school season.